AI Office System Dedicated to Enterprises

With docsflow, commonly needed AI tools for both internal and external use in enterprises can be quickly customized with zero coding.

Workflow Orchestration and Batch Processing

Standardized small tasks within the enterprise can be orchestrated into a small AI application, supporting one-click batch processing to improve employee efficiency. One-time orchestration for repeated use. Orchestrated by one employee, accessible by related employees with no threshold.

Suitable for Various Enterprise Scenarios

Intelligent customer service, lead generation, sales training, sales call reviews, marketing writing, AI forms, user evaluation analysis, and various scenario applications configured according to the enterprise's own business needs. For example, educational enterprises can configure AI for grading assignments, answering questions, school selection consultation, etc.

Support for Custom Development and Private Deployment

We can provide customized development and private deployment based on our standard products. We offer one-on-one scenario building and AI optimization services, configuring AI applications according to customer needs and optimizing based on customer feedback, helping to implement AI applications within the enterprise.