A Pledge for Privacy

  1. At DocsFlow, protecting the data security and privacy of our users and clients is the lifeline of our business. We will never share your data with anyone under any circumstances. We strictly adhere to local government regulations on user data privacy for tech companies, particularly those in the United States or European Union.
  2. Our mission is to enhance efficiency and automation in business organizations' internal workflows using cutting-edge AI technology. Protecting our clients' data security and privacy is fundamental to our mission.
  3. Within the scope of what our advanced encryption technology can achieve, we strive to encrypt your data as much as possible, including during transmission and storage. This means that for certain encryptable data, even if someone were to steal data from our services, they would not be able to use it.
  4. DocsFlow uses AWS’s databases, which are subject to industry security standards of compliance (ISO, CSA, and SOC). Our servers and databases are located in AWS data centers in California.
  5. Within our company, we have strict disciplines, operational norms, and standard procedures for customer data privacy protection. Even DocsFlow employees are prohibited from viewing any user's data details. These norms are also incorporated into our corporate policies and form part of the confidentiality agreements signed with employees.
  6. Users can delete their data uploaded to DocsFlow at any time. After a deletion request, we permanently and physically remove the data from our servers and databases within 5 days (typically, deletion is immediate, but some data may be removed in stages for server system stability and security considerations).
For the detailed privacy policy, please visit: Privacy Policy.